Step 10: Sustain Momentum
This guide is designed to provide knowledge and practical guidance to local government leaders as they create their Mobility Action Plan. The plan, created in collaboration with other local partners and informed by local data and community perspectives, is your actionable roadmap to implement systems change that can boost mobility from poverty.
The MAP creation process can be a forcing mechanism for change across the local government and other planning partners outside of government. The approach, framework, and Mobility Metrics, introduced in Steps 1 and 2, create a shared understanding of the factors that boost mobility from poverty. The assessment and team building work described in Step 4 ensures that factors that support or detract from your readiness to act are identified early and that the team will be diverse in expertise, experiences and bring important capacities to the work. Steps 5 and 6 support understanding the specific mobility and equity issues in your community. This knowledge base helps ensure that local government and their partners are beginning this planning process from a place of common understanding. The decisions made through the planning process described in Steps 7 and 8, specifically on which strategic actions will be prioritized and how success will be defined, measured, and sustained, are embedded into the MAP itself. This final step looks ahead at how the Mobility Coalition can sustain momentum now that the MAP has been released.
As we mentioned in Step 4, your Mobility Coalition should continue to work together in some form to sustain momentum around MAP implementation. Coalition members may be involved in the following activities over the long term:
- Where applicable, implementing policies, programs, and practices
- Meeting with key stakeholders and partners to see how implementation is proceeding
- Continuing to advocate for the strategies included in the MAP
- Engaging community members to provide feedback on how solutions are being implemented
- Developing reporting and accountability structures
- Overseeing continuous learning and improvement activities to learn from implementers and community partners
- Arranging for evaluators (either internal or external) to assess the success of the strategies
- Monitoring program data
- Communicating about progress and lessons learned
- Revising strategies to reflect new learnings
Below, we recommend actions the Mobility Coalition can take to sustain momentum during implementation.